Establishment of Home Education Expert Group

Published Friday, 12 July, 2024 at 10:15 AM

Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice
The Honourable Di Farmer

  • The Home Education Expert Group has been established to provide parent and stakeholder views on home education in Queensland as part of the review of the Home Education Unit.  
  • 114 nominations were received from registered home educating families in Queensland to take up 12 places on the Home Education Expert Group.
  • The Expert Group will be chaired by Ms Deborah Dunstone and will meet regularly over the next six months.

An independent review into Queensland home education has commenced and will be informed directly by a group of 12 expert home educators.

The review will be led by an independent reviewer, Ms Deborah Dunstone, who will Chair the Home Education Expert Group (HEEG).

The HEEG is made up of 12 home educating parents as well as a representative from the Home Education Association, Free2Homeschool and Australian Christian Home Schooling.

Many parents took the opportunity to express interest in being involved in the Home Education Expert Group. Parent members were selected for the group to represent the diverse experiences of home educating families.

All Queensland home educating parents will be able to provide input into the review through  surveys and regional workshops.

The HEEG will be integral in informing the Review of the Home Education Unit, including:

  • providing a forum to share and learn from the home educating parent community and better understand their experiences of home education;
  • considering topical issues such as delivery of high-quality education and provision in the best interest of the child;
  • broadly considering home education regulation;
  • providing perspectives about supports for home education parents; and
  • considering possible approaches for ongoing consultation with the home education sector.  

Research into best practice home education regulation and the supports provided to families will also be a critical part of the review.

The HEEG will be supported by the attendance of up to three departmental observers with experience and expertise in disability reform, inclusion, wellbeing, curriculum, and distance learning.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education Di Farmer:

“I would like to thank home educating parents for the overwhelming response to the Home Education Expert Group expression of interest.

“The Expert Group will be an opportunity for parents and families to share their unique experiences and expertise in home educating their children.

“I would like to thank all the members of the Home Education Expert Group and all the people who put their hands up to be a part of this important process.”

Further Info:

Chair – Deborah Dunstone

Organisation Nominee Members – Samantha Bryan (Home Education Association), Amanda Bartle (Free2Homeschool) and Dr Terry Harding (Australian Christian Home Schooling).

Link to Parent Reps -

Media – Tim Auguston 0427 090 563