Published Friday, 05 July, 2024 at 04:06 PM
Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services
The Honourable Nikki Boyd
Queenslanders will be more prepared for future floods, fires, cyclones and storms, with 25 projects across the State sharing in nearly $15 million through the Albanese and Miles Governments.
The latest round of the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund (QRRRF) investment round, announced today, will back a range of projects that will help build greater disaster resilience and reduce the risk of natural disasters events.
Projects include:
- $1million for Central Queensland University to design green mobile energy hubs to enhance electricity network resilience during natural disasters.
- $529,530 and $206,427 for Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council and Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council, respectively, to deliver community power and communications resilience during natural disasters.
- Almost $998,000 supporting Resilient Building Council’s technical retrofit advice to 50 Brisbane households on building back better after the 2022 floods.
- $2 million to assist Noosa Shire Council to build hydraulic and embankment protection at Sunshine Beach.
- Nearly $2 million to help Reef Catchments Mackay and the Whitsundays protect the Great Barrier Reef from erosion with riparian, vegetation and wetland fencing.
- More than $276,000 toward refining the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service’s Clinical Heatwave Risk Reduction Tool for vulnerable patients.
- Almost $860,000 for QUT’s interactive Bushfire Disaster Risk Assessment and Reduction for Buildings software in bushland urban areas susceptible to potential ember attack.
- More than $306,000 to support disaster risk reduction for Indigenous Elders and seniors.
- $650,000 for disaster resilience training tailored to First Nations councils and tourism operators.
- $500,000 for a five-year review and update of the Brisbane River Floodplain Management Plan
- Nearly $183,000 to start a Cloncurry flood study.
- Almost $152,000 on mapping and mitigating overland flow risk at Moore in the Somerset Region and;
- More than $548,000 for the University of Queensland to develop and install a network of hail monitoring stations.
For the full list of QRRRF projects visit www.qra.qld.gov.au/qrrrf
QRRRF projects - co-funded by councils, not-for-profits and Queensland Government departments – are also backing remote area flood warning infrastructure, regional floodway upgrades, creek bank reprofiling, water supply resilience in Granville, Maryborough and a flood intelligence Dashboard at Mareeba Shire Council.
Over the last five years, the QRRRF has committed more than $76 million to 252 resilience building initiatives in urban and remote areas of Queensland.
Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt:
“It’s clear that the more we do to prepare for disasters beforehand, the better off communities will be when we inevitably see more natural disasters and severe weather in the future.
“The National Partnership Agreement delivers proactive investment from both State and Federal governments.
“These grants are informed by local priorities, to address risks that local organisations have identified and create solutions to help them better prepare.
“This funding will support a range of disaster mitigation initiatives, disaster preparedness assets, technology innovations and resilient infrastructure right across Queensland.”
Attributable to Queensland Disaster Recovery Minister Nikki Boyd:
“We know resilient Queensland communities are stronger communities and more likely to recover quickly from extreme weather and natural disasters.
“Through the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund, the Albanese and Miles Labor Governments are backing councils and not-for-profits to invest in the infrastructure, technology and planning that keeps Queenslanders safe.
“We’re putting almost $15 million into initiatives from flood mapping, early warning systems and road upgrades to mobile energy and communication hubs to ensure communities are better prepared to respond and recover.
“Queensland is more susceptible to natural disasters than anywhere else in Australia, but these smaller resilience projects will make a big difference around the State.”
Minister Boyd: Darren Roberts 0427 475 089
Minister Watt’s office: Tali Eley 0499 770 772