$1000 power bills rebates safe from LNP raids

Published Wednesday, 22 May, 2024 at 12:00 PM


The Honourable Steven Miles

Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Cameron Dick

$1000 power bills rebates safe from LNP raids
  • New laws deliver $1000 credit on energy bills for all Queensland households
  • Energy rebates applied from 1 July
  • Biggest cost of living initiative by any state government

Nation-leading $1000 rebates will be applied to the power bills of every household power bill in Queensland, following the passing of the Cheaper Power Bill 2024.

Combined with the $300 rebates announced in the federal Budget by the Albanese Labor Government, every Queensland household will now receive $1,300 off power bills from July.

Vulnerable households will receive $1672 and eligible small businesses will get a total of $650 off their power bills.

By delivering Queensland’s $1,000 power bills rebates upfront, the Miles Government is protecting them from potential raids by a future LNP Government looking to cut.

Quotes attributable to Premier Steven Miles:

“Every Queensland household will now get $1,000 off their energy bill.

“And it’s only happening because we are making big multinational mining companies pay their fair share.

“Driving down bills is important to Queenslanders, and it’s important to me.

“My government is pulling ever lever available to do what matters to Queenslanders.”

Quotes attributable to the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment Cameron Dick:

“We are delivering the biggest cost-of-living relief package in Queensland’s history.

“The direct energy rebates are made possible by the passing of this important law, addressing what matters most to Queenslanders.

“We can deliver significant energy rebates through our progressive coal royalties.

“Queensland households deserve a fair share of coal royalties, putting money back in the pockets of Queenslanders.”

Further information:

  • Queensland households will get $1,000 off their electricity bills in 2024–25.
  • $1,000 will be automatically credited to eligible residential customer bills from 1 July 2024—there is no need to apply. Exact timing will depend on individual billing cycles.
  • Visit www.QueenslandSavers.qld.gov.au to find out about the full range of savings on the table for Queenslanders.


Media contact: Geoff Breusch 0417 272 875