No billion dollar upgrade or seat reduction at the Gabba

Published Friday, 17 May, 2024 at 09:29 AM

Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
The Honourable Grace Grace

The Miles Government has categorically ruled out any reduction of seating capacity at the Gabba or spending $1.1 Billion on the upgrade.

Discussions on required upgrades at the Gabba are underway. This is important ground work that will determine the nature and scope of future works, which will then be planned and assessed just like any other project.

Quotes attributable to State Development and Infrastructure Minister Grace Grace:

“We are going to put on a Games to be proud of, that leaves a lasting legacy in communities right across the state.

“In fact, today we are releasing details of the first half billion dollars of tenders for new and upgraded venues, supporting more than 1,000 local jobs and delivering incredible benefits for athletes and community clubs alike.

“Work on the nature and scope of the upgrades at the Gabba are in the early stages, and no proposals have been received.

“But the Premier has been very clear that any upgrade must fit within the allocated budget. He has ruled out considering any further Games spending so that all available funds can be used for cost of living relief for Queenslanders.

“The Miles Government will never reduce seats at the Gabba. It’s not an outcome fans will accept, and not one that I will.

“Queenslanders, just like five former Brisbane Lord Mayors, should be concerned that David Crisafulli and the LNP want to spend more than $3.4 billion of public money - while Queenslanders are facing cost of living challenges - on destroying green space at Victoria Park.

“It’s worth remembering the proposal for a new stadium at Victoria Park means you’d lose a lot more than 4,000 seats at the Gabba - the Gabba would be demolished completely, seeing this much loved stadium die.”



Former Lord Mayor quotes on Victoria Park stadium proposal:

Campbell Newman (Brisbane lord mayor 2004-2011): “Victoria Park was set aside in the 1870s by citizens who had a vision of a wonderful 130 hectare inner-city park. A massive stadium is a body blow to that vision - it’s vital to now protect the park so that it remains fully accessible public green space for all time.”

Tim Quinn (2003-4): “Hyde Park, Central Park and The Domain give London, New York and Sydney their character and their breathing space. That’s what Victoria Park should be. Not a stadium. Fix up the other stadiums and keep Victoria Park as a permanent green legacy.”

Jim Soorley (1991-2003): “People keep talking about a legacy. What better legacy is there than to have a park like this, so large and so close to the city with brilliant views. It’s our very own Central Park. It would be madness to build over it with a stadium.”

Sallyanne Atkinson (1985-1991): “Brisbane needs green spaces close to the city to be its lungs. As a local councillor I fought and sadly lost a campaign to save important green space in Fig Tree Pocket. We must not lose this one.”

Bryan Walsh (1975-76): “The Olympic legacy for which we should aim is a successful Games in venues that we can afford and which will be fully utilised in the future not some legacy of bricks and mortar with limited use and accompanied by the loss of a great and beautiful open green space on the door step of the inner city.”


Media Contact – Kate Talbot – 0439 803 211