$600k investment for research collaboration

Published Monday, 13 May, 2024 at 02:39 PM

Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Innovation
The Honourable Leanne Linard

  • The Miles Government will invest $600,000 to kick start research collaboration under an historic scientific research partnership between Queensland and the German state of Bavaria.
  • The funding will support seed grants and development grants in areas including clean energy and storage, emission reduction technologies, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and aerospace.

A scientific knowledge-sharing partnership between the governments of Queensland and the German state of Bavaria will benefit from a $600,000 investment from the Miles Government.

The Queensland-Bavaria Collaborative Research Program is a joint initiative formed under the Declaration of Intent between the Queensland Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.

It will see the development of partnerships and research collaboration in the areas of clean energy and storage, emission reduction technologies, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, aerospace, manufacturing, life sciences, biomedical research, and the wider bio-economy.

These are key areas supporting Queensland’s important development strategies including the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, Industry Roadmaps and Action Plans, and the Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy.

Queensland universities and research organisations can apply to join with Bavarian research institutions in research projects to build knowledge in these key areas.

The funding support from the Miles Government will see seed funding to link Queensland and Bavarian researchers on suitable areas of collaboration, and development funding for approved projects under the scheme. 

A recent workshop hosted by QUT for all Queensland universities and in conjunction with a Bavarian university delegation, helped identify potential projects under the research agreement.

Further funding is provided by Queensland universities and research organisations that undertake these projects.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Science and Innovation, Leanne Linard:

“As we move towards a zero-emissions and renewable energy future, it is vital that we further our scientific knowledge and capability in the key fields that will support this future.

“Signing the science research agreement between the Queensland and Bavarian state governments was one of my first official acts after being appointed Science Minister.

“It established formal cooperation for collaborative university-level research on research topics including greener fuels, energy storage and emission reduction technologies, and the wider bio-economy.

“I am delighted that our government has now made this funding available to provide seed grants and development grants to kick-start collaborative research.

“Research opportunities flowing from the partnership – especially into green and synthetic fuels, better energy storage, emission reduction technologies, and bio-economy – will help us in our drive towards the goals of the Queensland Climate Action Plan 2030.

“The Miles Government strongly believes in innovation and science. When the LNP was last in government, they cut more than $50 million from the Innovation budget and slashed more than 50 innovation staff.”

Quotes attributable Bavarian State Minister of Science and the Arts, Markus Blume MP:

“The signing of the Declaration of Intent between the Free State of Bavaria and the State of Queensland on 25 May 2023 was a wonderful occasion to strengthen the friendship between our states. 

“The agreement highlights our strong commitment and mutual support. Both of us represent strong competitive economies and invest heavily in science and research, in Bavaria via the Hightech Agenda, a vast strategic program of 5.5 billion Euros in high-tech-related research and innovation.

“Our partnership will see enormous benefits for research and development opportunities and provide an important stimulus for driving innovation in both Queensland and Bavaria.

“We are shaping our future together because we both know that we need to provide answers to pressing questions on a global scale.

“I am pleased that we are now advancing the cooperation between our states under this agreement and I look forward to seeing the joint Declaration of Intent bearing fruit in the months and years to come.”

Further information:

Further information on the Queensland-Bavaria Collaborative Research Program is available here.


Media contact: Scott Chandler – (07) 3719 7339