Dangerous drivers set to cop up to 20 years under government’s community safety plan

Published Sunday, 28 April, 2024 at 10:31 AM


The Honourable Steven Miles

Minister for Police and Community Safety
The Honourable Mark Ryan

• Miles Government set to toughen laws as part of community safety plan
• Someone who drives dangerously, evades police and causes death or grievous bodily harm to face up to a 20 year jail sentence
• Someone who drives dangerously and leaves a crash scene after causing death or grievous bodily harm to be liable for a 20 jail sentence
• Maximum penalty for dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death or grievous bodily harm to increase from 10 to 14 years

Under tough new laws to be introduced by the government, people who drive dangerously, evade police, and then become involved in a crash that causes death or grievous bodily harm will face up to 20 years in prison.

This is a new penalty that targets those who show reckless disregard for the directions of police and the welfare of other people in the community.

This new circumstance of aggravation, and the new 20 year penalty are part of a package of reforms targeting people who drive dangerously.

The maximum penalty for someone who drives dangerously and leaves a crash scene after causing death or grievous bodily harm will be increased from 14 years to 20 years.

In addition, the maximum penalty for dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death or grievous bodily harm will increase from 10 to 14 years.

This new circumstance of aggravation will also apply to youth offenders who drive dangerously, evade police and cause death or grievous bodily harm.

These tough new measures come as the government prepares to release a comprehensive community safety plan, to ensure Queenslanders are safe and feel safe.

Queenslanders from Coolangatta to the Cape have touched by tragedy at the hands of dangerous drivers, and too many innocent people have lost their lives because of the reckless actions of another. 

Claudine Snow lost loved ones in tragic circumstances. Claudine has advocated strongly for the new penalty for dangerous drivers who evade police and cause death or grievous bodily harm.

Claudine has had a number of meetings with the Police Minister, and her heartfelt advocacy has played a key role in the development of these important reforms.

The Miles Government’s commitment to keeping Queenslanders safe is unwavering, and this package of reforms is further evidence of that commitment. 

Quotes attributable to Premier Steven Miles:

“Any loss of live on our roads is unacceptable, especially when at the hands of a reckless driver.

“I want to thank Claudine Snow and her family for their advocacy for these tough new laws.

“These reforms make it crystal clear that those who endanger lives on the road, and then go on to evade police, that they will not get off lightly.

“We will introduce these laws into the parliament this week, as part of our comprehensive community safety plan, to ensure Queenslanders are safe and feel safe on the road.”

Quotes attributable to Police Minister Mark Ryan:

“First of all, I want to thank Claudine for her strong advocacy.

“Claudine’s motivation comes from a good place, she simply doesn’t want anyone else to experience the devastating tragedy and trauma she and her family have endured. 

“People who drive dangerously and recklessly with no regard for other road users will face even harsher consequences for their actions under this reform package.

“I know that Claudine shares my sincere belief that establishing a new and tough penalty for those who drive dangerously, evade police, and cause death or grievous bodily harm, is the right thing to do.

“The Miles Government will always do everything possible to protect the innocent and hold those who cause harm to account.”

Quotes attributable to Acting Deputy Commissioner Chris Stream:

"All too often, police see motorists who recklessly use vehicles as high-speed weapons, disregarding the potential for catastrophic consequences. 

“Tragically, we also see the trauma on our roads as a result of dangerous driving. 

“We support this legislation change which also focuses on frontline officer safety which is of paramount importance for the Queensland Police Service.” 

Quotes attributable to Claudine Snow:

“To lose loved ones unexpectedly is simply devastating.

“I decided I would try to do something to stop this happening to other people.

“I am so pleased the government is taking these actions.

“To see something good come from something so terrible provides some comfort.

“If one person thinks twice about dangerous driving my efforts are worth it.”

Quotes attributable to QPU President Ian Leavers:

“Evading police can result in horrific consequences and first responders are left to deal with the trauma of this negligent behaviour. 

“I would prefer that no-one is ever charged with these offences because it means the driver has taken responsible action when intercepted by police however if these offences are proven the judiciary need to deliver the maximum sentence each and every time.

“It will be too late to stop the injuries they’ve created or bring back the lives taken but it’s some justice for the victims and their families.”