Grants available to prevent sexual violence

Published Wednesday, 30 October, 2019 at 03:30 PM

Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
The Honourable Di Farmer

Community groups across Queensland who want to help raise awareness around sexual violence in Queensland are encouraged to apply for a share in $100,000.

Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women Di Farmer said the funds were available for organisations wanting to host events, projects and activities that raise awareness, challenge misconceptions and promote education around sexual violence in Queensland.

Ms Farmer said community organisations could apply for grants of up to $15,000 to for activities between June and August next year.

“The statistics around sexual violence mean that everyone knows someone who has been affected,” she said.

“One in five women and almost one in 20 men have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

“That’s why we are calling on community organisations to help us stage a series of events and activities across the state that help Queenslanders join together to raise awareness and to prevent this kind of violence.

“Importantly, these grants are about keeping the conversation going about sexual violence, to let people who’ve experienced sexual violence know that they are believed, that what has happened to them is not okay, and that there is help available.”

Ms Farmer said the annual Sexual Violence Prevention Grants, a key action under Queensland’s first ever Sexual Violence Prevention Framework, are an important way community organisations can play a part in ending sexual violence.

“We developed our Sexual Violence Prevention Framework after listening to many courageous people who shared their experiences of sexual violence, and what we learned was that the first and most important thing we can do is to believe them,” she said.

“The Queensland we want to be is one where everyone is free of sexual violence and the threat of sexual violence, and it’s something which needs the whole community.

“Every Queenslander can do one thing to help support survivors and prevent sexual violence, when someone tells you they’ve been sexual assaulted, you can start by believing them.”

Grants are available to eligible applicants, which include businesses, not-for-profit groups, local government entities, and Parents & Citizens Associations. 

Applications for the grants close at 5pm on Sunday, 15th December 2019.

For more information about the Sexual Violence Prevention Grants please visit:


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