New service to support women affected by domestic violence
Published Tuesday, 25 September, 2018 at 12:00 PM
Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
The Honourable Di Farmer
Toowoomba women who have experienced domestic and family violence are being given a helping hand to support their recovery, health and wellbeing.
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer said more than $550,000 over three years would go to Mercy Community Services to establish a new service to help women recover from their experiences of violence.
“I’m proud to announce that this new service right here in Toowoomba will help women achieve social and economic independence and recover from the domestic and family violence they have experienced,” she said.
“It will provide trauma-informed counselling and case management support to meet the ongoing health and wellbeing needs of women and young women who have experienced violence.
“These services will support women with things that impact on their health and wellbeing including physical and mental health, housing, employment, education and economic security,” she said.
“Mercy Community Services already works intensively with women in the local community and I know they are well placed to deliver this new service.”
Ms Farmer said the funding would be provided from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021.
“Our investment in ending domestic and family violence has been largely crisis driven, and focussed on helping victims leave and stay safe,” she said.
“This new service recognises the impact of women’s experience of violence and trauma and the impact that has on their health and wellbeing.
“We know that addressing these issues is critical to helping women recover from the trauma they have experienced, and to re-establishing their lives free from violence.”
Ms Farmer said new women’s health and wellbeing services would make a difference to women across Queensland.
“This funding is part of our commitment to the Not Now, Not Ever report and is about providing longer term support to victims.”
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