New trial will support Gold Coast child sexual abuse victims

Published Sunday, 06 May, 2018 at 12:03 PM

Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
The Honourable Di Farmer

Young Gold Coast victims of child sexual abuse will benefit from a new Queensland Government trial to be set up in Arundel.

Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer said the Gold Coast trial was one of two to be developed in Queensland to help victims and their non-offending family members access co-ordinated support and recover from their experiences.

“The Palaszczuk Government is more committed than ever to tackling the scourge of child abuse in Queensland and making sure child victims receive the best possible support when and where they need it,” Ms Farmer said.

“On the Gold Coast, Bravehearts will receive $500,000 for the trial which will focus on delivering co-ordinated support to children and their non-offending family members from its child-friendly centre in Arundel.

Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon said Bravehearts was the first and largest registered charity in Australia specifically dedicated to addressing the issue of child sexual assault.

“The organisation provides a range of services including a national information and support line, counselling services, case management, advice and referrals, personal safety education programs and professional development for people working with children,” Ms Scanlon said.

“It is very well placed to oversee this trial and improve support services to some of the most vulnerable victims of sexual abuse.”

Hetty Johnston AM, Founder & Executive Chair of Bravehearts welcomed the Government’s commitment to the trial.

She said the trial was designed to respond to disclosures from victims of child sexual assault in a way that delivers immediate protection for children deemed to be at risk, as well as care and support by a multidisciplinary team.

The other Queensland trial will be established in Townsville.

“Ms Farmer said the abuse of children and young people can have lifelong impacts on their health and wellbeing.

“Sadly, this fact was recently confirmed in the findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse,” she said.

“This just reinforces the need for targeted and coordinated services for vulnerable young victims of child sexual abuse to help them recover from the trauma and try to move forward with their lives.

“Protecting children is everybody’s business and we want to do all we can to support our children to lead safe and happy lives.

“I am hopeful that through these trials, more families will be able to come forward and get much needed help and support for their children who have been affected by sexual abuse and assault.”

For more information about support for people affected by sexual assault or abuse go to



Media Contact:                      Ron Goodman             0427 781 920