Queensland shines in new solar report

Published Wednesday, 03 May, 2017 at 03:53 PM

Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports and Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply
The Honourable Mark Bailey

Recent research by the Clean Energy Council confirms that Queensland is on track for over $2 billion in investment, based on new renewable energy projects under construction or due to begin construction in 2017.

Energy Minister Mark Bailey said the Clean Energy Council’s confirmation of renewable energy projects committed to in Queensland in the first quarter of 2017 shows the Palaszczuk Government has brought the right investment climate to attract more renewable projects.

“Compared to other states, Queensland has the highest number of projects, jobs and the most amount of investment which is why we are the Solar State,” Mr Bailey said.

“The Palaszczuk Government is continuing its commitment to secure Queensland’s future energy needs – including an ever growing share for large-scale renewable energy projects,” Mr Bailey said.

“We are seeing a regular stream of leading energy companies from both overseas and interstate placing their trust in Queensland, giving clear testimony that our government’s policy settings have created an environment ripe for sustainable renewable investment.

“We only have to look at projects such as the upcoming Longreach and Oakey solar projects by Canadian Solar, Genex’s Kidston project, and Edify Energy’s Whitsunday Solar farm as shining examples of the local and international interest Queensland continues to generate.”

Daniel Ruoss, General Manager of Canadian Solar recently said:

“Since 2014, Canadian Solar has been investing millions of dollars in Queensland for project developments and the company collaborates closely with local stakeholders to maximise the benefits for the local region and its communities. We’ve chosen Queensland for our investment because of its world-class resources, great infrastructure and a forward looking Government. Queensland is truly the Sunshine State.”

Minister Bailey said it was the states that are doing the heavy lifting when it comes to boosting the renewable energy industry.

“For Josh Frydenberg and the Turnbull Government to be taking credit for the renewable energy boom today is just shameless,” Mr Bailey said.

“This is the same government that wanted to strip ARENA of $1.3 billion of funding and get rid of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.  Because they didn’t succeed, they now want to change the goal posts so the CEFC can be pillaged to fund coal-fired power stations and the LNP’s political agenda.

“This is the same government that has undermined the certainty that industry needs to invest and attacks the states’ long term renewable energy targets while not having a plan that increases beyond 2020 to meet the Paris Agreement.

“And this is the same Minister that pretends to care about the Great Barrier Reef while also supporting new coal-fired power stations.”

Minister Bailey said the Clean Energy Council has stated 2017 will be a record-breaking year for investment in Australia’s renewable energy sector, and its pleasing that Queensland is playing a major role in this investment.

“Already under construction in Queensland are 9 solar and bagasse projects worth $964.5 million, providing 432 megawatts to our energy grid are bringing 750 jobs,” he said.

“And there are more to come - with another 7 large-scale solar and wind renewable energy projects due to begin construction this year.

“These projects underline the vital role that Queensland, and particularly regional Queensland is playing in our transition to a renewable energy economy,” Minister Bailey said.

“Renewable energy is here to stay, and will continue to help bring our State into an energy mix fit for the 21st century.”


Media contact: Zoe Russell - 0428 079 640