Queensland lights up for National Reconciliation Week

Published Saturday, 27 May, 2017 at 07:36 PM

Minister for Local Government and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Honourable Mark Furner

Queensland landmarks are lighting up for National Reconciliation Week until June 3. 

Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Mark Furner said infrastructure and public spaces in Brisbane, Cairns, Mackay, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Torres Strait would mark National Reconciliation Week in light and colour at night. 

“Let’s Take the Next Steps is the theme of National Reconciliation Week 2017 to bring communities together in celebration and acknowledgement of the culture and contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians,” Mr Furner said. 

“Landmarks around Queensland from Brisbane’s Story Bridge to Rockhampton’s City Hall and the Cultural Village in Torres Strait are lighting up in recognition of two important dates in our nation’s reconciliation history - the 1967 Referendum and the Mabo decision.” 

Mr Furner said National Reconciliation Week commemorated today’s 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, and on June 3, a quarter-of a-century since the High Court’s Mabo land rights decision. 

“The 1967 Referendum in which the nation said yes to counting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian in the census, and the Mabo land rights decision set the course for reconciliation in this country,” Mr Furner said. 

“National Reconciliation Week is an opportunity not only to celebrate the rich cultures of our First Nations People, but also to reflect on the past and consider the next steps in Queensland’s reconciliation journey. 

“This week is an opportunity for Queenslanders to consider the reconciliation legacy we want to be remembered for.”  

Mr Furner said the Palaszczuk Government was proudly supporting National Reconciliation Week events including the Queensland Torres Strait Islander Independent Congress and 2017 Queensland Reconciliation Awards. 

For more information visit www.datsip.qld.gov.au/reconciliation 

Infrastructure and public spaces lit in recognition of National Reconciliation Week include: 


Brisbane City Hall

Reddacliff Place sculptures

Victoria Bridge

Story Bridge

Parliament House

Judith Wright Centre

Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges (Gateway Bridge)

Suncorp Stadium

Kurilpa Bridge

University of Queensland 


Cairns City Library 


Victoria Street 


City Hall 


Outer Circulating Road 

Torres Strait

Cultural village

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