Expressions of interest called for Cairns solar trial

Published Monday, 22 May, 2017 at 09:41 AM

Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Sport
The Honourable Mick de Brenni

The Palaszczuk Government has called for expressions of interest from solar PV suppliers to support a trial of rooftop solar on public housing, bringing cheaper electricity bills a step closer for government owned housing tenants in Cairns and Rockhampton.

Member for Barron River Craig Crawford said Energy Queensland is seeking expressions of interest for potential suppliers of solar PV materials and services to support the public housing solar trial, announced by the Palaszczuk Government in March.

“Queensland is known as the Sunshine State for good reason, and there are already many people in Cairns who own their home who enjoy the benefits of rooftop solar,” Mr Crawford said.

“This EOI is another step toward giving eligible tenants in government owned housing in Cairns the opportunity to also receive cheaper power from solar and contribute to growing the renewables industry in Queensland.

“We’re seeking expressions of interest from partners who can supply, install and maintain solar PV systems for a preferred contractor panel, with successful applicants invited to tender later this year.”

Minister for Housing and Public Works Mick de Brenni said the public housing solar trial would benefit customers and provide business opportunities and jobs in regional Queensland.

“This project will allow for reduced electricity bills for vulnerable customers who cannot afford or have access to solar PV systems,” Mr de Brenni said.

“Through this trial, government can also develop a workable model for the private rental sector, creating opportunities for every Queenslander to enjoy cheaper electricity while helping to grow the state's renewable energy sector.

“Importantly the trial will also offer opportunities for businesses which specialise in solar products and can supply solar PV materials as well as design, install, maintain, clean and provide quality assurance services.

“Suitably qualified contractors will be engaged in the local region to undertake the work. They will have a proven capability and capacity to deliver projects as outlined in the expression of interest documents in an area of the market previously untapped.”

The trial aims to help public housing tenants by reducing the barriers to solar and deliver them cheaper electricity.

Energy Queensland Chief Executive Officer David Smales said this was a great opportunity to work with local businesses to help deliver renewable energy solution for public housing tenants.

“Ergon Energy Retail believes public housing tenants who participate in the trial should find their electricity costs are lower than before the trial. Previously the high upfront costs of solar or tenancy arrangements have prevented them from accessing solar,” he said.

The scope of the work for each discipline covered under the Expression of Interest includes but is not limited to:

  • Supply of Solar PV Materials
  • Design and Installation of Solar PV Systems
  • Maintenance of Solar PV Systems
  • Cleaning of Solar PV Systems
  • Quality Assurance of Solar PV Systems

The EOI closes on Monday 29 May – further details can be found here.


Media contact: Tristan Douglas 0447 164 197