Local firm wins tender to restore historic Woody Island lighthouse

Published Tuesday, 31 May, 2016 at 04:36 PM

Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef
The Honourable Steven Miles

The quaint Middle Bluff lighthouse that has stood on Great Sandy’s Woody Island for 150 years will be restored by Pialba company Metcalfe Constructions Pty Ltd which was awarded a $175,600 Government tender this month.

Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection, National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef Dr Steven Miles said the whole island was listed as a cultural heritage landscape in the Queensland Cultural Heritage Register.

“Woody Island holds vast European and Indigenous cultural heritage values, including two historic timber lighthouses, the ruins of the light keeper’s cottages, grave sites, telegraph line, indigenous fish traps and stories of interest,” Dr Miles said.

“The island’s two lighthouses, located at Middle Bluff and North Bluff, are two of the Fraser Coast’s oldest buildings. They were built in 1866 and the lanterns were turned on in 1867.

“The lighthouses reflect the growth and development of Queensland after its separation from New South Wales as a colony.

“They played a significant role in the development of the Port of Maryborough, guiding safe passage for vessels. The two lighthouses were used in tandem as a navigational aid, an arrangement believed to be unique in Australia.

“The lighthouses’ unique hexagonal structure and timber cladding are an example of early Queensland architecture,” Dr Miles said.

He said conservation of the Middle Bluff lighthouse would maintain an example of this distinct style of construction and period in Queensland’s history, while the North Bluff lighthouse would remain a cultural ruin of days past.

“A structural engineer prepared a condition report that identified the scope of works for the Middle Bluff lighthouse.

“Metcalfe Constructions will do the conservation works in accordance with cultural heritage requirements. It will involve conservation of its structural integrity, works to repair the external cladding and features, and resealing to protect it from the elements.

“The work is expected to start in July and is scheduled for completion by October this year, in time for the lighthouse’s 150th anniversary in 2017,” Dr Miles said.

Glen Miller, Butchulla Elder and president of the Butchulla Men’s Business Aboriginal Association, welcomed the announcement.

“Restoration of the lighthouse is as important to us as it is to non-Butchulla people,” Mr Miller said.

“We’re hoping Butchulla Men’s Business can work with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service to help maintain heritage on Big Woody. The island’s Indigenous heritage includes remains of stone fish traps.

“Personally the island means a lot to me. My dad worked for Harbours and Marine in the 1950s when I was a child – he was part of the team taking gas bottles and other supplies and services to Big Woody Island – and my great uncle was skipper of the tug that serviced the island from Urangan.”

The site will be closed to visitors during the works. Once the works have finished, visitors will be able to view the lighthouse via the Middle Bluff walking track.


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