Queensland Government continues to target dangerous drugs on the Gold Coast

Published Thursday, 20 October, 2016 at 05:49 PM

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Corrective Services
The Honourable Bill Byrne

Minister for Police Bill Byrne today said the toxicology results in relation to the drugs which caused a number of people to hallucinate and act violently on the Gold Coast last week are extremely concerning.

“The toxicology results have been returned to police today which indicate that those tested ingested a cocktail of amphetamine-type substances (ATS) [including Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)], as well as a synthetic lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also known as ‘N bomb’.

“The horrendous side effects these drugs caused indicate how dangerous these drugs are.

“I am advised by the Acting Commissioner that the Queensland Police have already made arrests in relation to these incidents on the Gold Coast and will continue to be working hard to get these drugs off our streets.

“I am extremely concerned with the circulation of these illicit drugs and particularly as young Queenslanders are getting ready for schoolies.

“When we have what seems to be a growing number of young people with this false impression that illicit drugs are nothing more than party drugs and that using them occasionally is ok. We need to be clear here, this perception is completely false.

“All illicit drugs are extremely dangerous and can cause long-term damage and in some cases death. The recent incidents on the Gold Coast are prime examples of this.

“There is no safe use of illicit drugs.

“The Queensland Government including the Queensland Police have already kicked off the safety awareness campaign currently being run throughout targeted schools across Queensland to raise awareness of the severe impact illicit drugs have.

“I encourage anyone with information in relation to people supplying or taking illicit drugs to contact Crime Stoppers.”



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