Labor reveals no plan for roads

Published Friday, 06 June, 2014 at 10:54 AM

Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Queenslanders will be shocked to learn Labor not only have zero plans for investing in our road network they don’t even consider it a priority.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the revelation came after Labor member Jackie Trad failed to mention one road project in her budget reply speech yesterday.

“The Shadow Minister for Main Roads spoke for almost 20 minutes and not one comment was made about a highway or road project,” Mr Emerson said.

“While this government has a strong plan for a bright future that includes almost $770 million for the Bruce Highway, Labor doesn’t consider it a priority.

“The Labor party should be ashamed their Shadow Minister for Main Roads couldn’t be bothered to mention one road project.

“In a 2961 word speech, Ms Trad only mentioned the word ‘road’ once and that was to boast about Labor’s careless spending that left us with $80 billion worth of debt.

“Labor clearly has no plan for the 33,000km of state-controlled roads and no plan for improving key highways like the Capricorn, Dawson, Peak Downs or the Warrego.

“Labor again lived up to their reputation of neglecting the Bruce Highway given the 1700km lifeline was not mentioned either.

“Even the Member for Mulgrave considers any spending on the Bruce Highway to be ‘misspending’.”

Mr Emerson said given no alternative road investment plan was presented by Labor they must support our strong plan for a bright future.

“We certainly welcome Labor’s support of our $18.1 billion four year program of works,” Mr Emerson said.
[ENDS] 6 June 2014

Media Contact: Stephanie Shield 0418 186 625