Happy camping in Queensland

Published Wednesday, 26 March, 2014 at 08:53 AM

Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games
The Honourable Jann Stuckey

Queenslanders will be able to enjoy a new range of quality options on their camping trips with the launch of new guidelines today in Hervey Bay.

The Queensland Camping Options Toolkit is the culmination of 18 months of industry engagement via workshops and community consultation around the state.

Tourism Minister Jann Stuckey said the guidelines mark a major milestone for camping in Queensland and delivers on the Government’s election promise to grow tourism as one of the four pillars of the economy.

“This Toolkit will give local councils a solid platform from which they can formalise their own approach to attract more drive tourists,” Ms Stuckey said

“I’d like to thank the many groups and individuals throughout Queensland for their contribution. Based on their feedback, the Camping Options Toolkit has been developed to help councils effectively manage camping within their local area.

“We recognise there is a need for flexibility. Our State is diverse in its destinations and therefore requires an approach that will ensure individual Councils can adapt the options to suit their own unique circumstances and community expectations.”

Ms Stuckey said caravanning and camping has boomed in recent years, resulting in significant numbers travelling throughout the state.

“Domestic tourism accounts for 80 per cent of visitor spending,” Ms Stuckey said.

Member for Hervey Bay Ted Sorensen said the guidelines would assist local operators in providing visitors with the best experience possible.

“With many rural and regional communities relying on revenue from drive tourism, there is a real need for the widest possible range of accommodation options.”

“The Fraser Coast community has so much to offer travellers and these guidelines will pave the way for a more unified tourism approach.”

Local Government Association of Queensland President Cr Margaret de Wit welcomed the release of the Camping Options Toolkit following the extensive development and consultation led by the Queensland Government.

 “Local Government Association of Queensland and many councils from across Queensland were active participants in the development of the Camping Options Toolkit,” Ms de Wit said.

“The Toolkit provides councils with a valuable resource to effectively manage camping in their area.”

The Camping Options Toolkit for Local Governments was a key outcome of the state government’s Queensland Drive Tourism Strategy, which aimed to encourage more travellers to take a driving holiday in Queensland.

The Toolkit and further information on the drive tourism strategy are available at www.dtesb.qld.gov.au/tourism/queensland-drive-tourism-strategy

[ENDS] 26 March 2014      

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Minister’s Office – Natalie Wynne 0439 291 268