CSG compliance program exceeds targets
Published Wednesday, 24 July, 2013 at 11:13 AM
Minister for Natural Resources and Mines
The Honourable Andrew Cripps
The Queensland Government unit charged with monitoring the coal seam gas industry has exceeded auditing and inspection targets established under a new compliance program released earlier this year.
Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Andrew Cripps today announced his Department was ahead of schedule for planned community engagement and compliance inspections of CSG wells, pipelines and water bores and that four new petroleum and gas inspectors would be recruited.
“Under the Coal Seam Gas Engagement and Compliance Plan 2013, the CSG Compliance Unit (CSGCU) committed to inspect 250 CSG wells, 160 drilling rigs, 9 pipelines and 4 CSG seismic activities," Mr Cripps said.
“I can report that as at 30 June 2013, inspections were completed on 369 CSG wells, 154 drilling rigs, and 29 pipelines.
“Seismic activities will be inspected in the latter half of 2013 and further safety inspections of drilling operations and new pipelines will be a focus during 2013-14.”
“CSGCU officers also inspected 14 wells and seven pipelines for compliance with the Queensland Land Access Code.”
Mr Cripps said protecting Queensland’s groundwater resources was a priority.
“We committed to check and measure standing water levels in 300 water bores annually and verify the accuracy of water data supplied by CSG companies,” he said.
“To date, inspectors have conducted 181 water level measurements and made 52 analyses of water quality at water bores.
“The CSG Engagement and Compliance Plan 2013 also aims to be more proactive in engaging with the community, local government and the CSG industry and to more effectively respond to landholder enquiries, issues and complaints.
“Through better engagement, communities will have a better understanding and awareness of CSG activities in their region.”
Departmental officers attended 12 landholder meetings and CSG-related regional community events during in first half of 2013.
“The CSGCU also completed 12 groundwater investigations involving landholder bores and were engaged in another six as at the end of June.
“The unit received 37 enquiries, including 10 complaints about CSG operations, and dealt with another 120 enquiries relating to bores, environmental issues, governance, water and land.”
Mr Cripps said the Queensland Government had also increased the number of Petroleum and Gas inspectors to support upstream compliance activities, including gas transmission pipelines, as the CSG-LNG industry grows.
“My department has increased the total number of Petroleum and Gas inspectors to 28 and is currently recruiting four new specialist inspectors including a Deputy Chief Inspector (Upstream), a Principal Inspector (Upstream), a Senior Inspector (Upstream) and a Principal Inspector (Automotive).
“These additional inspectors will ensure the DNRM CSG Compliance Plan continues to play a key role in achieving a balance between the interests of industry, rural landholders, regional communities and our environment,” he said.
Further information is available at: www.industry.qld.gov.au/lng/index.html
[ENDS] 24 July 2013
Media contact: Paul Sutherland 0428 868 237 or Jane Paterson 0417 281 754