Economic development boost for the Redlands

Published Thursday, 30 May, 2013 at 08:12 AM

Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
The Honourable Jeff Seeney

The economic development spotlight shone brightly on the Redlands with today’s announcement of another proposed Priority Development Area (PDA) for the region.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney announced the proposed declaration of the Weinam Creek PDA today while addressing the Redlands SEC Business Breakfast in Redland Bay. 

“This is yet another chance to boost the local Redlands economy and any development will reinforce Weinam Creek’s position as an area of community focus, boost tourism and local business and create more jobs for Queenslanders,” Mr Seeney said.

“The declaration of a PDA at Weinam Creek provides an opportunity for a mixed use residential, retail and tourism based development at Redland Bay, complementing future development in the recently announced PDA at Toondah Harbour.

“Through the proposed declaration of a PDA for Weinam Creek, the Newman Government will provide further assistance to the economic development of the Redlands region.

“The proposed PDA also highlights the strong, collaborative nature of the partnership between Redland City Council and the Queensland Government, focussing on economic development and community-based outcomes.”

Mr Seeney said the site was identified through close collaboration between the Redland City Council and Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) and would be declared in mid-June under the new Economic Development Act 2012 (the Act).

“Following the declaration of Weinam Creek, EDQ and council will prepare a development scheme for the area which is the overarching document to guide future development. The scheme preparation is a 12 month process and includes a community engagement program,” he said.

“EDQ will continue to work closely with the Redland City Council while preparing the development scheme to ensure any plans and vision for the site complement the local community and council’s expectations.”

Mr Seeney said as well as a mixed use precinct, the PDA also offered an opportunity to provide new water transport services and support facilities for the Bay’s Island communities as well as improve waterfront amenity and create open space for the Redlands.

The proposed Weinam Creek PDA is 42 hectares including approximately 36 hectares of land which is predominantly local and state government owned.

The site currently consists of a number of uses including residential development, ferry terminals and associated car parking which services the Bay Islands.

[ENDS] 30 May 2013                                               

Media Contact: Kate Haddan 0418 373 516