Millions wasted on more green tape
Published Wednesday, 15 May, 2013 at 12:24 PM
Acting Premier
The Honourable Jeff Seeney
The Gillard Government has budgeted tens of millions of dollars and put thousands of new jobs at risk in its latest Budget to impose more unnecessary green tape on the resources sector.
Acting Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the Budget showed just how captive the Labor Party had become to radical green influences.
“The Gillard-Swan Government has allocated $38.5 million to implement its latest green tape measure – requiring federal assessment and approval of CSG and coal mining developments,” Mr Seeney said.
“It is totally unnecessary and shows just how much Labor must pander to the Greens for support.
“This expanded assessment, compliance and enforcement role at the Federal level will yet again duplicate the assessment and approvals process carried out for all these projects by the Queensland Government.
“They will add costs and lengthen timeframes for projects which have the potential to inject billions of dollars into the Queensland and Australian economies.
“In some cases this new green tape could put proposed projects in jeopardy.
“This unnecessary green tape burden could also jeopardise the thousands of new jobs these projects would create.
“Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard claim they support jobs – here again is direct evidence that they are hindering growth and cutting job opportunities.”
[ENDS] 15 May 2013
Media Contact: John Wiseman 0409 791 281