Bus feedback extended

Published Tuesday, 12 March, 2013 at 03:18 PM

Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Public feedback on proposed changes to south east Queensland’s bus network will be extended for an additional two weeks to ensure passengers are able to comment on their routes.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the additional consultation time would ensure the improvements to the network are fully understood as part of the Government’s plan to make the network more affordable for passengers and more reliable.

“We’ve already had 40,000 website visits since the report was made public last Thursday and 1700 comments were received in the first 24 hours,” Mr Emerson said.

“This is a very important phase in our plan to build a better bus network, deliver better fares and given the level of feedback I’m prepared to take additional time to ensure everyone has the chance to have a say.”

The review of south east Queensland’s bus services was ordered by Mr Emerson last year after figures showed patronage dropping on 13 of 16 south east Queensland operators as well as rising costs, which were being paid for by Labor’s on-going 15 per cent fare hikes.

The fare hikes are particularly hurting seniors, pensioners and students leading to half of all buses operating with less than seven passengers.

The Bus Network Review recommended increasing the number of high-frequency routes in Brisbane from 19 to 26, bringing Brisbane’s network into line with leading world cities.

“It will also see more services operating across south east Queensland than in the final months under Labor,” he said.

“During the first two rounds of consultation we received more than 6,000 pieces of feedback and overwhelmingly passengers told us they wanted more frequent services and better fares.

“Under the distinctive looking GoNetwork we’ll be delivering high-frequency bus services to more than 800,000 people in Brisbane and also to the Gold Coast for the first time.”

Public submissions can be made online at www.translink.com.au or by phoning 13 12 30 until April 7. The results of the review and consultation will be implemented from mid-2013.

[ENDS] 12 March 2013                                           

Media contact: Andrew Berkman 0429 128 637