Opposition Leader must sack Jackie Trad

Published Friday, 22 November, 2013 at 03:14 PM

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
The Honourable Jarrod Bleijie

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Jarrod Bleijie has called on the Opposition Leader to sack Jackie Trad from the powerful Ethics Committee, after the South Brisbane MP admitted she failed to disclose a huge financial interest while voting against recent workers' compensation reforms.

Mr Bleijie said Jackie Trad voted on the legislation last month, despite the fact that her husband is a partner in a law firm heavily involved in workers’ compensation litigation.

“Workers’ compensation litigation is worth tens of millions of dollars to the legal fraternity and this law firm is a major player,” Mr Bleijie said.

“Following concerns raised by me, the Member for South Brisbane this week admitted that she failed to declare her interest during debate and voting on our recent reforms. 

“Her excuse was she missed a training session 18 months ago. This ‘dog ate my homework’ attitude is unacceptable. She is trying to sweep this under the carpet.

“The Member for South Brisbane is a member of the powerful Ethics Committee, which investigates and judges other Members of Parliament on issues such as pecuniary interests, so why didn’t she practise what she preaches?

“There are two possible answers. She’s never bothered to read Parliament’s Standing Orders, which the Committee bases its judgments on, or she deliberately kept quiet and voted.

“Either way, the Member for South Brisbane’s position on the Ethics Committee is untenable. She is refusing to resign so the Opposition Leader must show leadership and sack her.

“I am in no way implying any wrongdoing by the law firm. The Member for South Brisbane’s actions, or lack of action, are the problem.

“This is a serious matter and the Opposition Leader must act.”

[ENDS] 22 November 2013

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