Brisbane technology supports Japanese communications

Published Friday, 27 July, 2012 at 01:45 PM

Minister for Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts
The Honourable Ros Bates

Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts Minister Ros Bates has congratulated Brisbane ICT company EM Solutions for breaking into the Japanese high-tech market.

Ms Bates said EM Solutions had partnered with Toyko-based Jepico Corporation to provide an EM Solutions’ platform to the Japanese Government’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).

NICT is Japan’s national research institute for information and communications technology.

“Jepico will supply two EM Solutions’ Ka-Band ‘Satellite on the Move’ terminals to NICT. These will be mounted on a ship and on a road vehicle where they will be used as experimental equipment enabling a rapid response to emergencies and natural disasters,” she said.

Ms Bates said Jepico Corporation connected with EM Solutions to win the tender against strong competition.

“This is quite a feather in the cap for EM Solutions and is an excellent example of how Queensland technology companies can make an impact on the international stage.

“It takes world class technology but also vision and a strong sense of entrepreneurship to develop global technology partnerships and break into global technology markets.”

EM Solutions’ CEO Dr Rowan Gilmore said the company originally developed the technology for the Australian Defence Force.

“The ADF was not happy with the technology they had and turned to the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) to for a solution. Through the DSTO, EM Solutions got involved,” Dr Gilmore said.

Dr Gilmore said the technology had more than just military application, and that attracted Japanese interest.

“With our technology, you can mount it on a vehicle and drive to the location of a natural disaster and set up a mobile communication facility on site. That way you can keep vital communications going, even when everything else breaks down,” he said.

[ENDS] 27 July 2012

Media contact: Ken Vernon: 0431 027 017