Fixed term leases for public housing tenants

Published Wednesday, 18 July, 2012 at 03:00 PM

Minister for Housing and Public Works
The Honourable Bruce Flegg

All new public housing tenants will be required to sign fixed term agreements as part of reforms tackle Queensland’s social housing crisis.

Housing and Public Works Minister Dr Bruce Flegg said all new public housing tenancies from 1 July 2012 would be for fixed periods of three years.

“This is about reinforcing the message that social housing is not an entitlement for life and to ensure that it continues to be allocated to those most in need,” Dr Flegg said.

“We will continue to regularly review a household’s eligibility and housing entitlements during the tenancy.

“Labor left behind a social housing nightmare with unsustainable costs and 30,000 families on the waiting list.

“It’s important that we make changes like this as part of the long process of fixing the system.”

Dr Flegg said the department would be looking at ways to expand fixed term tenancies in the future.

“That could mean extending five year leases to elderly or long term tenants and single year leases to tenants with a history of disruptive or anti-social behaviour,” he said.

“We will continue to be sensitive to the needs of our tenants though, and nobody will be left without a place to live or forced into share accommodation.

“At the end of each agreement, a tenant’s eligibility for social housing will be reviewed.

“They will be either offered a new fixed term lease or assisted to transition to the private rental market if their circumstances indicate public housing is no longer needed.”

[ENDS] 18 July 2012

Media Contact: Graeme Hallett 0408 763 671