New app to help link Queenslanders with police
Published Wednesday, 24 October, 2012 at 02:15 PM
Minister for Police and Community Safety
The Honourable Jack Dempsey
Queenslanders will be able to report minor incidents to police at the touch of a button with the Policelink online reporting phone and mobile applications which were launched this afternoon.
Police Minister Jack Dempsey and Queensland Police Service (QPS) Commissioner Bob Atkinson said they are expected to have an immediate impact on the community.
“The Policelink app will allow people to report a minor incident such as lost property, wilful damage, graffiti and taxi fare evasion, with the touch of a few buttons while they go about their lives,” Mr Dempsey said.
“The reporting tool works by asking people to give responses to a standard set of questions which will be reviewed by police who will then follow the matter up.
“The new technology will complement the Policelink hotline which has processed more than 2,354,193 calls since it was established in 2010.”
Commissioner Atkinson said that the new technologies will have immediate benefits to the community.
“People with disabilities, the hearing impaired, tourists, youth and of course those from rural and regional areas will be able to easily access online forms and free iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry-capable applications,” Commissioner Atkinson said.
“Policelink is the QPS contact point for all non-urgent matters and it is important that all members of the public have access, not only for their own safety and security concerns, but for the overall benefit of QPS operations.
“In this context, ‘non-urgent’ is defined as incidents that are not happening now, that are not life threatening and where there is no likelihood of the suspected offenders still being within the area.
“Using Policelink appropriately frees up the Triple Zero (000) call line for life-endangering emergencies and also has been proven to save in excess of 260,000 operational hours per year.”
Online reporting forms for lost property, withdrawal of complaint, hoon reporting, wilful damage, graffiti, taxi fare evasion and petrol drive-offs are now available on the Policelink website. Additional online reporting forms will be added by December.
[ENDS] 24 October 2012
Media Contacts: Danny Donald 0439 719 116 or Lea Emery 0417 226 114